Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas Photo Cards!!!

Don't wait till the last minute
 for your Christmas cards!!

I have a few samples of Christmas photo cards that I am offering.
I can custom design your Christmas cards
 using photos you currently have
 or book a session with me for your Christmas photos.

$15 for Custom Design Photo cards!!
(using photos your photos)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Launch of Ooh La La Boudoir Photography

  I am so excited to announce the launch of , my Boudoir photography blog.
 Most of you who know me, are well aware that I have a love for photography and pin ups. So I have put them both together. I have been loving the process and the outcome. A Boudoir Photo Shoot, is a pampering experience that helps women clientele step “out of the box” and makes them feel wonderful!
 Ooh La La Boudoir Photography is  full service photography at affordable rates . I offer 2-3 hour photo sessions with professional hair and makeup application.As well as photoshopped images with copy right release of photos for you to print at the print store of your choice.

$95.00  Launch Special !!!!

This includes...

~2-3 hour Photo session
~25 images photoshopped
~ All Images burned onto a disc 
   with copyright release
~ Hair and Makeup application included

  If you are interested in learning about boudoir photography, package rates, or if you would like to book a consultation feel free to contact me at